Hey You! You Might Know I’m Talking to You

I think about you every day. You are not here any longer. I know you're gone. I don't know if you'll return. I am hoping, wishing, and praying the best for you. Learn those martial arts. Be that Kung Fu Panda. Grow in the ways you desire. I wish happiness upon you. I hope you grow into that woman of power that hides beneath the surface.

I hope you are well. I don't like the distance. The physical distance is not the issue. The emotional distance is painful. Do not concern yourself with me. Think only of yourself. You are free.

I say these things here because you will never read them. I can speak without fear. I only speak because you are not around. I am working on myself. You're not around, and I don't do this for you. I know this because you're not around. I do this for me. I desire to be better. Better for me is also better for the next. Others can benefit from a better me. You will likely never see the difference, and that is okay. I'm learning to do for myself. I am learning that I am worth my love. I am worthy of love. I have worth. I can give to the world. I give these words. I give you what you ask for. I give freely. I have no expectations from you. Any word from you is a blessing.

I am working hard to learn this. I am working hard to get this in my head. I am not sure I like it. I do it for you.

This is Learning Made Hard.