Rando Writes Reality

It's all in my head. Let's venture a solution. We will take this from my head and display it here to alleviate me of the pure thinking nature of it all. One who only thinks has nothing but thoughts and the thoughts eat thoughts to grow more thoughts and soon the small thought grows into an overwhelming monster. Thinking is good in moderation; it makes a good servant but a terrible master.

Today, we think about the future, and the past can fuck off. Bugger off, you do not control me. I tame this beast, the wild mare kicking and gnarling in the confines of the mind. Getting kicked in the head from the inside is strange, and it hurts almost as much as getting kicked from the outside. How do we develop a helmet to protect on the inside? There's a simple answer to state but a hard task to accomplish. Be aware, be conscious, be more than the thoughts. We are not our thoughts. This simply-stated switch somehow survives the sincerest of struggle to subdue said thoughts.

Where do we go from here? We have the answer, but when is the test? I'll leave you with this to contemplate for yourself. Think, you are the master in this thinking. Do not allow the thoughts to take hold, to take the wheel and drive you. We are not Miss Daisy.

We'll keep this writing to English language. It's a bit more universal for the readership. I wouldn't want to alienate those who know not.

It takes effort to generalize statements and maintain the anonymity of others, of myself. We can't call them out with reference to names, dates, or places. Fuck the government for spying on me. Here, spying means the secret monitoring of communications. All in the name of security. It's theater people. Spying is not theater, that shit's real. Security is the theater, the cloak that appeases the masses to allow the government free reign to take our information. In some countries I might be imprisoned for thinking these thoughts. Advertise in my mind, take control of my thinking, and get fucked you spying shit-bags. Alphabet-anon... Haha, whatever, you conspiracy douches. I'll bash you and give not a fuck. But I'm a really nice guy... Paradox is a bitch.

Random shit in that last paragraph. Meh... Whatevs, mate.

Oh shit, I've now been using language that could potentially identify people. We can often tell by the language someone uses where they are from, where their mind is located. The metaphors we use define us. This is because the way we define the happenings is the position we place ourselves in relation to the world. This isn't a bad thing; it isn't a good thing; it just is. We can change what is to our own liking. Be aware.

One shot and I'm on the way to loosening my mind, removing inhibition. Drink a pint, have a conversation; drink 6, and we've got a party on our hands. Better go and tell them about the celebration, about the levitation affecting us. Who wants to drink anyways....? Yeah, that's a thing, for someone....

We might be sitting around on the couch, laptop on top of lap. We stare quietly, but the world is not quiet. We hear the sounds of the birds in the morning, the traffic as the day moves forward, the buzz of the fridge, and the gentle humming of ourselves in this happening. We are part of this happening; we are not separate from that around us. It's connected. It's a part. A part that cannot be separated, but is a part that we can observe objectively. Remove the subjectivity and find yourself an innocent bystander of what passes before us, within us, without us. Do not try to change it, allow it to just be. Don't mind me. Just watching. I like to watch. This could go a different direction, but we're the voyeur of the things in our room.

I often wonder what would be without me, how I affect the world. What happens when I die? Not what happens to me but what happens to the world without me. Nothing. It spins. Lives come into being and go out of being. We discussed previously the coming and going in this context. Go back and read it, I won't do your homework for you. That's what I get paid to do. I do homework for others and make their lives the simplest they can be. This thinking and doing for others relieves them of the burden. For this, people pay. For this, I am the helper. I provide the answers so they don't have to do the hard work. Since folks like to pay for this, we can set up a business that offers this service. Rich folks want service, poor folks likewise want service. "Make my life easy" they cry. Sucks for the poor people, they often don't receive this service. This is likely because not-poor people will pay for the service, why give it away for free. Hookers understand this simple concept. Give pleasure and get paid. Hooking, the world's oldest profession. There exists a theory behind this. Who wants to masturbate when you can pay another to do it for you? (I'm not advocating for prostitution here folks lol). Pay someone to do the work to provide the pleasure you so desire. Feed the desires. Another lesson from the sexual professionals, get your money upfront. Once someone receives the pleasure they desire, they are less likely to pay. Take advantage of the desire and take the money when they are willing to give it. As the client sits and smokes the post-satisfaction cigarette, why should they pay? At least that is the thought. They may come back for more, but that first one is likely not to be paid for. And if this client is smart, they'll find another sucker (literally and figuratively in the case of hooking). This is why we get a pimp. The pimp can enforce the payment structure, but they will take a cut. See? It plays out again. The pimp does the work for the hooker, provides a service, for a price. The pimp does the homework and makes things easier for the hooker. The hooker can focus on what she's good at, and the pimp can do what he does. Pimp: "Bitch, where's my money?!" Hooker: "He didn't pay. He's got your money, daddy." Pimp: "Stay here, ho. I'll get my money, but you fucked up. You're not getting paid as much on this one. I'm taking a larger cut 'cause you made me work more." Hooker: "Thanks, daddy. My kids gotta eat."

The weak-poor complain about the rich getting richer. The strong-poor make a decision. Someone once told me how bad the world is because the rich take advantage of the poor, the rich are getting richer off the work of others. Fuck! That's how it is?? There's an easy fix to that. These folks keep talking about changing this and taxing the rich and redistributing the wealth. Socialist much? Commie bastards. Oh, you're wondering what the fix is, right? Here it is: Be rich. Don't be poor. Easy. What the fuck's the problem? Do the work necessary to lift yourself from poverty. Build a business and have those workers work for you. They sweat, you collect the profits. Sure, be a good citizen, share the profits, give back to the workers, provide coffee in the break room, give benefits, make working a pleasure for them. But they will still do the sweating. You do the thinking. Thinking is hard. Shoveling dirt is easy. Deciding where to dig the hole, how deep to dig, where to put the dirt, who to sell it to, how to manage the people doing the digging, navigating the legal landscape that presents challenges, and finding the best shovels for the digging, those require thinking. That is the hard work. Given a shovel, pointed to a piece of dirt, instructed to dig, someone else has done the thinking. That someone else doing the thinking makes more money than the digger.

Think for others. Make plans. Inspire of others to do the digging. The general of the army fares much better than the frontline infantry. Be the general. Be the thinker. Be rich. Stop fucking complaining and do whatever it takes, do it now.

This is Learning Made Hard.